ACT I SCENE VI Lady Macbeth welcomes King Duncan Watch in full screen and/or access slide notes via the player controls.
1. What is Lady Macbeth planning?
2. What is Duncan’s impression of the castle?
3. What is Duncan’s biggest mistake?
1.6 Presentation Notes * Scene Summary * 1.6 Quiz
- Lady Macbeth prepares for Duncan’s visit
- King Duncan deceived by idyllic setting: “This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air/ Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself/Unto our gentle senses.
- Duncan fatally misjudges Lady Macbeth: Our honour’d hostess (line 11) Fair and noble hostess/We are your guests tonight (lines 24-25)
1. What is Lady Macbeth planning?
2. What is Duncan’s impression of the castle?
3. What is Duncan’s biggest mistake?
1.6 Presentation Notes * Scene Summary * 1.6 Quiz